Thursday, January 14, 2010

Red-shirts unveil 'war' plan

  • Published: 13/01/2010 at 03:57 PM

A meeting of key members of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship has approved a planned "war" on the bureaucracy, UDD core leader Natthawur Saikua said on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr Natthawut told a press conference that on Friday Suporn Atthawong and Arisman Pongruangrong will go to the Royal Forestry Department and demand it resurvey the block of land on Khao Yai Thiang owned by privy councillor Surayud Chulanont.

Gen Surayud had reported the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) that he owned only 21 rai of land, but Mr Natthawut said he believes the former premier is occupying a bigger area of land than he had admitted.

On Jan 17, Mr Suporn will visit the Crime Suppression Division to file a complaint against Gen Surayud, accusing him of encroaching on a forest reserve.

On Jan18, key members of UDD will go to the Office of the Privy Council to submit an open-letter detailing the unlawful occupation of the land on Khao Yai Thiang by the former prime minister.

After that they will visit the Department of Special Investigation to file a complaint with the agency demanding legal action be taken against Justice Minister Pirapan Salirathavibhaga for negligence of duty. The UDD has accused the minister of trying to delay their petition for a royal amnesty for fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

On Jan 21, UDD supporters will go to the Office of His Majesty’s Principal Private Secretary and ask for a explanation of the process for submitting a petition by the red-shirts.

On Jan 23-24, the UDD will hold a mass gathering of red-shirts at Khao Soi Dao golf course in Chanthaburi province. The red-shirts claim the 400 rai golf course, which had encroached on the Khao Soi Dao forest reserve, is owned by the president of Privy Council Prem Tinsulanonda. The rally, aiming at taking back the nation’s asset, will be peaceful, he said.

Mr Natthawut said the people were disappointed with Gen Surayud’s decision not to return his questionable land on Khao Yai Thiang to the state unless he is directed to do so by the Forestry Department.

“Gen Surayud is the chairman of the Foundation for the Protection of Khao Yai Forest, but his decision shows that he wants to keep his ownership of the block of land on Khao Yai Thiang,” he said.

The UDD leader called on the Forestry Department to remeasure the land in dispute.

“If it is found that the land area is larger than 21 rai, then Gen Surayud will face charges of forest encroachment and falsely reporting his assets to the NACC," he said


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